Sunday, January 29, 2012

5 Changes I'm Making in the New Year

So as this new year has set in, I've made a commitment to make some quality changes in my life. Here's the 5 most important to me:

  1. God First, Family Second. My faith has gotten me to where I am today and I'm so grateful for the blessings. Without Him I am nothing. I have to focus on keeping God at the forefront and know that everything else will fall into place (i.e. family, career, relationships).
  2. Stop spending time with the wrong people. I've have a keen sense on character and I don't have a lot of patience for bull to put it mildly. My happiness is everything and the negative energy and drama I can do without. Thank you. So when I read "30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself" I started capitalizing on these ideas and embracing my best life!
  3. Drink more water. I've never been a big water drinker but the older I get I recognize the importance of staying hydrated and it's health benefits.
  4. Volunteer. It's a gratifying feeling to know that you can be of help to someone else. When you give back, good things come back to you. PERIOD.
  5. Write more. I've always enjoyed writing so my biggest endeavor would be to publish my own book! But right now THE GOAL is: 1 daily journal entry and 1 blog entry per month.
All of the above is doable and I'm well on my way. For starters, I keep a small circle and only hang with like-minded and positive people. Plus, as an Avon Consultant I meet great people everyday. Secondly, my water intake has increased tremendously. I only keep water in the fridge and stash a 24-pack in my car. Finally, I write in my journal everyday and this is my first blog entry for 2012. Hope you like it!